The Ones We Burn discourse

Posted July 7, 2022 by geograph in thoughts / 0 Comments

Big discourse over The Ones We Burn, which is mostly second-hand information from Twitter/Tiktok/Tumblr etc. I’ve collected a list of Goodreads reviews of people who have actually read the book and their thoughts. I’ll also be averaging ratings at the end of each section. I’ll try to update this in my abundant spare time. Thanks for looking at my blog.

8/10 update: screaming. crying. perfect. storm. i’m going to murder wordpress, which restored this page to a previous version for some reason. i’ll fix this in my abundant spare time, also known as: later. (if anyone saved screenshots pls email them to me at

verification: not a perfect formula bc it relies on reviews being the same across platforms, but i am double-checking across edelweiss+ and netgalley. ‘physical ARCs’ are either independent research or sometimes a review will say ‘i got a physical ARC’. this is not finished yet.

math average for all reviews: not updated! this will be my last thing to fix! do your own math!

storygraph: adding storygraph reviews soon (this was my update last night but it was eaten by wordpress and i did not save edits anywhere else). notes about storygraph: it’s better in literally every way and it’s also not owned by amazon. AND you can leave half and quarter stars which i think is incredibly important.

faq: why are u so meticulous about updating this?
honestly it irks me professionally as a book blogger when people review-bomb a book without reading it before it comes out to try and influence its outcome. it just makes me feel useless as a book reviewer! like, why did i spend fifteen hours slogging through this mess and gave it my honest time and attention when you can just review something with ‘i heard this book is bad, i didn’t read it and you shouldn’t either’! what is the point of book blogging then! what is the point of cultivating a following and getting people to trust your reviews and writing good reviews! please i read so many books and try to give them my honest attention and opinions.

you can also follow my blog if you want, i publish a book review every day except wednesday, i am getting nothing out of it except Nice Brain Chemicals, there aren’t affiliate links; all ‘buy this book’ links go to my local bookshop’s online front, which will ship to you, which doesn’t benefit me in any way except that my favorite local bookshop makes money.

last updated: october 21st, 2022! the math is still not fixed, do your own math, i don’t want to. also then i got bored and did something else so there’s only like. three more entries. not accurate!


Grace D. Li, 5 stars [author]
Sierra LaFollette, 5 stars
Candice Montgomery, 5 stars [author]
Mara, 5 stars [netgalley] storygraph link
Meryl Wilsner, 5 stars [author]
Georgina, deleted original review, 4 stars 
Robin, deleted review & links to tweet & apologizes [edelweiss+]
Karis Rogerson, 5 stars [netgalley]
Kennedy Davenport, 1 star [unverified]
Vanessa, 1 star, DNF  [unverified]
Carina, 1 star, DNF
PAOLAMJ, 5 stars [unverified]
Landice, this review just self-promotes, unstarred [unverified]
michelle j, 5 stars 
Aliya Bree Hall, deleted review
Kelly, deleted review
Dia, 5 stars, [unverified]
Chloe, 5 stars [netgalley]
Minju Kim, 1 star, edited and apologized 
Jenny Suzanne, 5 stars
Naomi, 5 stars [netgalley]
Karensa McElrath, no review or rating (yet)
Robin, deleted original review, unstarred [edelweiss+]
Kat, 5 stars
Vivian Sierra, re-rated and apologized, 1 star Invalid book: 0
Camille, 4 stars
Laynie Rose, unstarred and deleted review [edelweiss+]
liz, 5 stars
Linda, 1 star, viral, (doesn’t self-identify as Black)
Hayley, 5 stars
Cody Roecker, unstarred, and removed review [edelweiss+]
lay, 5 stars
Starr, 3 stars [edelweiss+]
Alyssa, 5 stars
Fran Dorricott, 5 stars [author]
Natasha Ngan, 5 stars [author]
Sheyla Knigge, 5 stars [netgalley]
Laura, 3 stars, discourse review
Latitude (me!), 3 stars, discourse review [netgalley, self-verified]
Alex Woods, 3 stars
Eden, 3 stars
Sol, 5 stars  [physical ARC]
Casey, 4 stars
Jules Pelarski, 2 stars [physical ARC]
Shannon Newton, 4 stars [netgalley]
Danika Robyn, 5 stars [netgalley]
EK, 4 stars [netgalley]
Lu, 3 stars [netgalley]
Emilia, 5 stars [netgalley]
Jess Munnery, 4 stars [physical ARC]
ellie, 1 star [netgalley] storygraph link
Jennie Artemis, 3 stars [netgalley] storygraph link
1000_books_1000_lives, 4 stars [netgalley]
Bronwyn O’Neill, unrated [2 stars on netgalley] [gets name of the book wrong]
Jamilla, 3 stars [netgalley]
Georgie Bailey, 3 stars
Reads with Rachel, 2 stars
caitlin, 2 stars
Reads_Must, 1 star
Greta Kittok, 3 stars
Emma, 3 stars
Samar, 3 stars
Emery Bell, 4 stars
Svea, 1 star
ClairesReviews, 3 stars
katharina, 4 stars

Average: 3.9 stars [not updated]


Sheyla Knigge, 5 stars,
Alex Woods, 1 star
Casey, 4 stars
Candice Montgomery, 5 stars
Naomi, 5 stars
Dia, 1 star
Vanessa, 1 star, DNF
Kennedy Davenport, 1 star
Sol, 5 stars
EK, 4 stars

Average: 3.7 stars [not updated]

Linda, 1 star, viral, (doesn’t self-identify as Black)

+Linda average = 3.5 stars [not updated]


Mara, 5 stars
Latitude (me!), 3 stars, discourse review

Average: 4 stars


Cody Roecker, unstarred, and removed review
Laynie Rose, unstarred and deleted review
Vivian Sierra, re-rated and apologized, 1 star
Georgina, deleted original review, 4 stars
Robin, deleted review & links to tweet & apologizes
Aliya Bree Hall, deleted review
Kelly, deleted review
Alex Woods, re-rated and added an update, 3 stars to 1 star

Average: 2.5 stars [not updated]


Casey, 4 stars, discourse review
Laura, 3 stars, discourse review
Latitude (me!), 3 stars, discourse review

Average: 3.3 stars

I’m white, so my opinions on racism are both immaterial and uninteresting. However, I am Jew-ish (emphasis on the ish) and I can speak to the alleged antisemitism (see my review collected above, I am also an early ARC reader).

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