Category: adult

Book Review: Sirens & Muses

Book Review: Sirens & Muses

This book has FANTASTIC vibes. It’s queer, it’s here, it’s set in 2011, it’s about artists at an elite college and it’s mostly about the inner thoughts and lives of those artists. Very light on plot and I wouldn’t necessarily call what any of the characters go through “development”, but I LOVED the vibes. I […]

Posted October 25, 2022 by geograph in adult, historical, queer, review, sapphic / 0 Comments
Book Review: Just Like Home

Book Review: Just Like Home

claustrophobic, atmospheric, fundamentally about the horrors of coming back home after you are an adult. repetition used to absolute maximum effect. some parts of this book made me feel physically sick, but it’s not necessarily gory, just kind of, nausea-inducing. in a positive way? I was very lucky to get this eARC as both an […]

Posted October 16, 2022 by geograph in adult, contemporary, horror, review, thriller / 0 Comments