March 29th, 2022
“I always call the way I flirt ‘Jane Benneting’, after the oldest sister in Pride and Prejudice. She’s so nice to everyone that no one knows she’s partial to Mr. Bingley.” (What a mood!)
This is truly a quick and easy guide to asexuality! It’s quick, it’s easy, it doesn’t have a plot but it’s told in a conversational style like we’re all friends. There’s asexual community ‘in-jokes’, also, like the famous cake metaphor! Honestly I feel like this book does better in 76 comic pages than every time I have ever attempted to explain asexuality. Buy one for your friend! Buy one for your family. Buy one to keep in your wallet next to your Ace Identification Card. (You can’t actually do this, it’s too big to keep in your wallet). There’s also a section about finding your place in the queer community, which I found very helpful – you might find that people can be mean to you online, but “for the most part, it doesn’t really matter, because most people are kind and want to help you and be your friend”, which I’ve found to be true. Five stars to this helpful little book. Storygraph link here. Bookshop link here.
[…] A Quick and Easy Guide to Asexuality […]